Hello! Let’s start by introducing ourselves. We are RG Polito Glide, a student team from Polytechnic University of Turin. Our aim? Creating a snowboard prototype using only eco-friendly materials.
The same enthusiasm that pushed us to get involved last year, when we started designing our first snowboard, has now encouraged us to go further and challenge other realities like our through a competition.
Our idea is as simple as endearing: a free-ride competition between students from different universities, run just with snowboards designed and created by them at their university.
We think this is a way to prove ourselves, a challenge that can push us to improve, but also an opportunity to spend some time together, meet new people and share our passion for the snow and the mountains.
The Polytechnic University of Turin than is glad to announce that during March 2021 will take place the first International Free-Ride Snowboard Competition run among university students in the Western Italian Alps.
If you want to enter this contest you have to follow some simple rules:
You need to be a team of university students and to compete with a snowboard entirely designed and created at your university. Indeed, we think that the path of snowboard design and the team ideas but be at the center of the competition.
We live during an age of deep climate changes and we think that snowboarding should go arm in arm with the environment and a ecological conception of design. Unfortunately, the wax, the resins and other materials used to produce snowboards aren’t recyclables or even very polluting.
As future engineers, graphics and designer, we decided to contribute to more sustainable productive processes, deciding to use of materials and proceedings with the lower environmental impact.
In order to promote our green-oriented vision, we will give a bonus to the teams that will make more use of sustainable materials. The decisive score will take into account the rider’s run, the chosen path, his jumps and his speed as in traditional competitions but it will be also mediated with a score that will consider the snowboard productive process and the materials involved.
However this event will not be just a competition, but something more: it will be a unique opportunity to meet people with same interests, to share ideas and spending some time together, sharing an unifying experience in an unique environment like Piedmont mountains. There will be many gathering opportunity, starting from the Teams Introduction Night to the conferences about the environment, the dinners on the mountains and the parties on the snow.
We are waiting for you, looking forward to spend a weekend of entertainment, sport and fun and we would like to remind that you can sign up from September to 31 October 2020 and you can send us your application by the end of June.

Siamo felici di comunicarvi che il team prenderà parte al festival della tecnologia "impacTO", un evento presentato dal Politecnico di Torino dedicato a tecnologia, futuro e società. Sarà un'occasione per scoprire le nuove tendenze della tecnica, l'impatto sulla società che essa ha, i benefici e non e conoscere di persona i nuovi studi e progetti effettuati all'interno del Politecnico.
In quanto team presenteremo la nostra squadra e i nostri progetti, esporremo il percorso fatto finora e saremo a vostra disposizione per rispondere a tutte le vostre domande.
Ci vediamo Venerdì 8 Novembre al Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, Via Nino Costa 8, TORINO